At Village Primary we believe that Mathematics should be progressive, thorough, stimulating and allow all pupils to develop Mastery in Maths. Teachers strive to provide high quality teaching which is engaging, interactive, built on prior learning and, if appropriate, physically active (Tagtiv8 etc.). Lessons are brought to life with hands on equipment, with technology and a cross curricula approach, where suitable. Meaningful links are made to Global Goals and the UNICEF Rights of the Child where relevant.
Mathematics is made relevant and motivational by placing it within real life contexts. This equips children with the necessary skills for later life, as well as the reasoning and thinking skills associated with solving problems. We recognise that Mathematics is key if our pupils are to truly be able to ‘Explore, Dream, Discover’ and lead a fulfilling life, making valuable contributions to society. Our Heritage is built upon a foundation of Mathematics; Captain Cook, John Walker and George and Robert Stephenson all relied on some element of Mathematical skill in their endeavours.
Teachers and support staff are actively engaged in helping children to acquire and develop mathematical language, skills, knowledge and understanding across the Mathematics curriculum. Children are encouraged to make an active contribution towards their own learning by developing the skills of independence, enquiry and reasoned problem solving. Pupils are encouraged to develop a Growth Mindset in all of their learning, in Mathematics this a key attribute as it allows learners to be resilient, persistent and determined as they acquire new knowledge and skills in preparation for their future employment.